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The bodybuilding program & community for any busy person that is serious about taking their physique to the next level.

And most importantly: For anyone that has a busy lifestyle, constantly chasing more ambitious career goals but does not want to sacrifice their physique to such lofty goals.

Aesthetics University:

🏋️Workout plans built for maximum efficiency & results (based on the concept of daily undulating periodization for you science nerds)

😋Nutrition guidelines for people that don't have time to spend hours on cooking and meal prep

🧑‍🔬Meet experts and likeminded ambitious people looking to build their dream physique - as efficiently as possible

🎁Every month you unlock new programs, nutrition guides, resources and even online coachings via Zoom - by staying in the community

When I got started on my fitness journey I tried to find a single point of truth.

I was consuming lots of content, Youtube videos and books on how to build an aesthetic phsique.

But I would be much more perplexed after viewing these training videos for at least an hour every day!

This is a very common problem because...

Fitness coaches and influencers are constantly contradicting themselves.

Someone tells you that squatting is the worst thing in the world - the other one tells you that it's the only exercise you should do.

And everybody has THE BEST SOLUTION to become massively muscular.

If everyone is persuading you to do something different, how are you supposed to decide what is right - and what is wrong?

A lot of information out there works.

But it is designed to look cool. Sound fancy.

The boring, trial-tested types of workouts and nutrition plans don't make it onto the internet.

Because guess what?

They would not generate clicks, nor sales.

Aesthetics University is different.

We call ourselves a university because it is our ambition to function like one. Being a community that keeps researching, keeps learning, and keeps helping each other.

Not a single opinion of a popular influencer or fitness coach.

But the cumulative experience of many fitness enthusiasts and experts - all willing to help beginners and intermediates.

Aesthetics University includes:

  • Workout plans built for maximum efficiency & results (based on the concept of daily undulating periodization for you science nerds)
    • More advanced plans will be released the longer you stay with the Aesthetics University - tailored to your progress!
  • Nutrition guidelines
    • Nutrition is highly individual - macros for a 100kg individual are different from a 80kg individual
    • The nutrition plan provides the best generalizable information possible - helping you to take your physique to the next level!
  • Community, experts, friends
    • Most people buy expensive training programs and drop out after some months. That's because there is no community. In the Aesthetics University Discord channel you will meet likeminded ambitious people looking to build their dream physique - as efficiently as possible
  • Rewards for persevering
    • Every month you unlock new programs, nutrition guides, resources and even online coachings via Zoom - just by staying in the community (and hopefully working out!)

The workout plans are suitable for beginners as well as advanced lifters - and they are optimized for maximum efficiency through the science of daily undulating periodization

Our nutrition guides and supplementation protocol provides you with everything you need to eat healthy - even if you have a stressful life and job

In our Discord community you can find support, friends, tips by experts, coachings, post progress pictures, get advice on your lifts, nutrition, and more

The workout plans are also available on your mobile via app

We support your along your journey. Every month you unlock new resources. As you progress, you unlock additional knowledge and build an even better physique

Again, this is specifically for people that want to optimize their time. Be as efficient and effective as possible.

Few people are professional bodybuilders and can spend hours in the gym, prepping their meals and sleeping half of the day.


Kevin Jon in 2022, 100 kg, 194cm/6'4

I have been using these plans for one year. Even though I have been training for 10 years, I saw a big improvement in my physique

Daily undulating periodization

We use a concept called daily undulating periodization in order to be as efficient as possible during workouts. By far the most efficient training method out there. Great research paper on DUP: https://paulogentil.com/pdf/R17.pdf

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€14.99 a month


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